To add a final level of complexity, if one uses Juju's UI mods but wants to use some of the options, you have to 'add' the base mod (however one chooses to do so), and then 'overwrite' those files within his UI mod, to add the options (eg. MOS Remove GE helmets), does that mean if we 'paste' those files into Z, they will only be detected by that scenario, so they can just sit in the Z folder without affecting anything else? If that's the case, why do they need to be removed if one wants to use the untagged files, since the file names are different? 8eme batallion) a separate mod whose files are pasted directly into Z? folders all into the Z file, or do we only paste the actual files inside each of those folders? 1st Polish Insignia is another - is each unit's folder pasted into Z or is each unit folder (eg. What about the Umlaut's Commercial Buildings mod? Is that just a designer mod? I ask, coz it too has a multi-level folder tree. So.let's take the Kriegsmarine Uniform mod - should the folder be put in the Z folder or just the files? What about something like the Hedgerow Hell mod that has a multi-level folder tree? Some ReadMe's talk about putting their 'folder' in the Z folder. I have to say, having tried to read through the instructions for Rez, honestly, JSGME sounds as lot more intuitive and simple. Since I'm used to JSGME, that's what I naturally gravitate to, and while I understand for the old hands, adding mods seems simple enough, the instructions I've seen in various ReadMe's and herein still seem to contradict.

I realise it's been a year since this topic started, but this newbie is just getting started and loading mods.